Review Policy


Thank you for your interest in my blog. Although I mostly read books from my own collection or the library, I do also accept books for review. However, before sending your book to me, please read the following:

If you are an author or publisher and would like me to review your book, please contact me via email bookkarino[at] Please include the following in your email:

  • title of the book + small synopsis
  • date of publication (ARCs)
  • any wishes you have concerning the book

My favourite genres include classics, contemporary fiction, literary fiction and young adult. I’ve also recently started reading plays and short stories. However, I try not to restrict my reading in terms of genre, and am always looking for a good story. To get an idea of the books reviewed in my blog, please see my Book Reviews page.

In terms of format, I prefer to read physical copies. Nevertheless, I understand that shipping a review copy to Finland is expensive, and thus I do occasionally accept e-books.

In exchange for the book, I offer an honest review in my blog (as well as mentions in my Twitter and Goodreads accounts). My review will contain a synopsis of the plot, my thoughts on the book and a rating on a 5-star-scale as well as disclaimer that the book was sent to me for a review. I  keep my reviews spoiler-free in order to give every reader the chance to experience the book. I cannot promise to read and review every book immediately after receiving it, but in the case of ARCs, I will try to post my review before the publication date.

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